Within school we clearly track ‘All Pupil’ data, but also that of groups of pupils and their comparator groups e.g. Boys and Girls, Free School Pupils and Non-Free School Meal Pupils etc.
We use an in-house tracking system to track both progress and attainment.
Nationally we make use of a report entitled the IDSR – Inspection Data Summary Report – that guides our analysis of school performance – a well as the ASP – Analysing School Performance document.
We find that analysis of our internal school data and the IDSR and the ASP helps us to identify the groups of pupils who require additional focus as well as helping us recognise and celebrate successes and plan our ‘next steps’ in school improvement.
It is expected that a school publish its data, and we are pleased to do so.
There is no published data for 2021 and 2022 due the pandemic.
There is of course a multitude of data within in a school but the headline data is as follows:
RD = Reading WR = Writing MA = Maths