Welcome to

Mountfields Lodge School

Welcome to the website of Mountfields Lodge Primary School; we hope you find it informative and easy to navigate.

Mountfields Lodge Primary School is a larger than average, diverse, 5-11 primary school serving an area of mixed housing extending from the town centre to the west. A high proportion of children (approximately 50%) come from outside the school’s catchment area.

Our School Motto for Mountfields Lodge is, ‘Aim High, Reach for the Sky’. It is an aspirational statement that expresses our hope that all who come to the school will be encouraged to settle for nothing less than their best.

Read our Statement for the School (below) which expresses how this School Motto ‘lives’through our School Vision and our School Code of Conduct.

Our School Motto, School Code of Conduct, School Vision

Our school is judged by OfSTED as being, ‘a good school’.

They stated in March 2022, that:

‘Pupils are proud of their school because it is welcoming, and everyone looks after each other. They like the outdoor spaces and being with their friends Pupils commented how their teachers and friends were kind and helpful.

One parent, with a comment that was typical of many, said, ‘This is a fantastic school which is supportive of children and families.’

Pupils say that adults help them to talk about their emotions and how to manage them.

Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) become increasingly independent because adults know them well.

The school s curriculum has a focus on developing pupils personal, social and emotional well-being. Leaders have high expectations of all pupils. They have identified the important knowledge they want pupils to remember. Teachers break down the key knowledge into smaller manageable steps to support pupils with SEND.

All staff ensure that reading in school is given high importance. They have ensured that pupils read a range of literature during their time at school. This includes poetry, classic children’s literature and contemporary authors. Children start to learn to read as soon as they start school.

Leaders in the early years ensure that children develop their communication and language skills well. There is a focus on developing pupils independence and problem-solving skills.

Children are encouraged to use sentences and accurate vocabulary to explain their understanding.

Pupils confidently talk about British values. They understand how everyone is different. Pupils understand that everyone needs to be treated with respect. Older pupils enjoy debating and discussing topical issues to help them understand different viewpoints.

Not only have OfSTED recognised what we do and ‘what we are about’, so have other awarding bodies; we hold the Gold Sports Mark and the Green Flag Award (in recognition of our commitment to being an eco-friendly school).  We are proud to provide high academic standards for all, in a caring environment and with a wide range of enrichment activities, both during the school day and after school.

As you further explore our website I hope that you are impressed by what we have to offer and what we achieve. If you would like to get in touch with the school directly, do not hesitate to contact us. You are guaranteed a warm welcome.

Iona Mock
Head teacher

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